
In dit privacybeleid leggen we uit hoe we jouw persoonlijke informatie verzamelen en gebruiken. Dit privacybeleid geldt voor al jouw persoonlijke informatie die we verwerken als je met ons reist, onze diensten koopt of gebruikt, onze websites bezoekt of anderszins met ons in contact treedt.
Last updated: July 2024
Verwerking en beveiliging van persoonsgegevens

Wanneer je gebruik maakt van de diensten van Adventure Specialists B.V./BVBA/GmbH (hierna te noemen Adventure Specialists), hebben wij bepaalde gegevens van je nodig. De onderstaande merken maken onderdeel uit van Adventure Specialists:
- Koning Aap
- Shoestring
- YourWay2GO
Het is ons beleid om uiterst zorgvuldig en transparant om te gaan met je persoonsgegevens. Ook verwerken wij gegevens, zoals bij informatieaanvragen, prijsvragen en het bezoeken van onze websites. De hoeveelheid gegevens die we verzamelen, hangt af van de manier waarop je met ons communiceert. Boek je bijvoorbeeld een reis bij ons, vragen we je om uitgebreidere persoonsgegevens dan wanneer je alleen een brochure aanvraagt of op onze website surft.
Welke gegevens verzamelen wij van je en waarvoor gebruiken wij deze?

Een overzicht van de gegevens die we vastleggen bij boeking
- Details over jou: voor- en achternaam, adres, geslacht, geboortedatum, maaltijdvoorkeuren en andere reisvoorkeuren.
- Telefoonnummer: het kan zijn dat wij contact met je op moeten nemen over je boeking.
- E-mailadres: je krijgt een e-mail met o.a. de bevestiging van je boeking(en) die je hebt gemaakt.
- Identificatiedocumenten: voor het vastleggen van de reis zijn aanvullende persoonsgegevens vereist, zoals je paspoort- of identiteitskaartgegevens, waaronder je paspoortnummer, plaats van uitgifte, datum van uitgifte en de vervaldatum. Voor sommige reizen is, bijvoorbeeld vanwege de voorbereiding van je visumaanvraag of het verkrijgen van de vereiste reistoestemmingen of het vastleggen van transport/excursies, een paspoortkopie nodig.
In sommige landen wordt bij het inchecken in de hotels je paspoort gevraagd. Het receptiepersoneel maakt daar een kopie van. In een aantal landen zijn hotels wettelijk verplicht hun gasten bij het inchecken te identificeren en te registreren.
In steeds meer landen wordt op luchthavens bij de immigratiedienst / paspoortcontrole een vingerafdruk gevraagd. Ook wordt er bij deze balie vaak een foto van je gezicht gemaakt. Lokale autoriteiten vereisen deze procedure, houd hier dus rekening mee. - Betaalgegevens: om je reis te kunnen betalen maken wij gebruik van een beveiligde betaalomgeving. Wanneer je met iDeal of via overboeking betaalt, worden je gegevens in onze administratie opgeslagen om de betaling aan je boeking te kunnen koppelen.
- Thuisblijver: tijdens het maken van de reis kan het gebeuren dat wij contact dienen op te nemen met een thuisblijver. Wij vragen je dan ook om in het boekingsformulier een telefoonnummer van de thuisblijver in te vullen, zodat wij in het geval van nood contact kunnen opnemen.
Gevoelige persoonsgegevens
Voor de uitvoering/levering van reisdiensten vragen wij uw toestemming voor de verwerking van gevoelige persoonsgegevens, die gezondheid (zoals rolstoelregistratie), religie (zoals verzoeken om religieus gerelateerd eten) of seksuele leven (bijv. bij boeking) kunnen onthullen homo-reisproducten (art. 9 lid 1 AVG) en die vrijwillig aan ons worden verstrekt en door ons worden verwerkt voor de uitvoering/levering van reisdiensten.
Deze toestemming omvat ook de verwerking door andere rechtmatige ontvangers voor wie deze gegevens ook nodig zijn voor de uitvoering/levering van reisdiensten, zoals touroperators of dienstverleners (accommodatie-exploitanten, vervoerders, enz.), inclusief mogelijke ontvangers in een derde land die kan deze gegevens ook ontvangen in het geval van een niet-gelijkwaardig niveau van gegevensbescherming volgens art. 49 (1) lit. een AVG. De toestemming is geldig voor de duur van de zakelijke relatie tussen u en de verwerkingsverantwoordelijke en daarna voor bewaring in het kader van de wettelijke bewaarplicht waaraan de verwerkingsverantwoordelijke en de ontvangers zijn onderworpen en kan te allen tijde worden ingetrokken met behulp van de bekende contact mogelijkheden. Het intrekken van de toestemming doet geen afbreuk aan de rechtmatigheid van de op basis van de toestemming uitgevoerde verwerking zolang de toestemming niet wordt ingetrokken. Indien de herroeping plaatsvindt voorafgaand aan de dienstverlening, kunnen diensten waarvoor deze gegevens nodig zijn na de herroeping niet meer worden geleverd.
Toestemming is al vereist op het moment van boeking, omdat in veel gevallen gevoelige gegevens ook op korte termijn tijdens of na de reis aan ons kunnen worden meegedeeld en expliciete toestemming niet in alle gevallen kan worden gegarandeerd. U bent vrij om deze toestemming niet te geven. In dit geval kan er geen contract worden gesloten, omdat gevoelige klantgegevens niet zonder uitdrukkelijke toestemming mogen worden verwerkt.
Indien gevoelige persoonsgegevens van uw medereizigers worden verwerkt zoals hierboven beschreven en zij de verwerking niet zelf bevestigen, verzeker hen dan als persoon die zich aanmeldt voor de reis dat de medereizigers hiervan op de hoogte zijn gesteld en hiermee akkoord gaan.
Verder gebruiken wij je persoonsgegevens voor het volgende
- Details van je contactmomenten met ons: je kunt met ons bellen, mailen en ons via social media benaderen. Om onze service elke dag een beetje beter maken, analyseren wij alle contactmomenten. Zo worden onze telefoongesprekken opgenomen voor trainingsdoeleinden.
- Het gebruik van onze systemen en diensten: om websites te analyseren, deze gebruiksvriendelijker te maken, social media aan te kunnen bieden en je zowel op als buiten onze website relevante aanbiedingen te tonen.
- Mijn-site: in je ‘Mijn-site', jouw online dossier, kunnen naast boekingsinformatie ook jouw persoonlijke gegevens worden opgenomen zoals: naam, adres, geboortedatum, telefoonnummer, specifieke informatie en inloggegevens. Wij bewaren ook gegevens van je eerdere boekingen.
- Nieuwsbrieven: je kunt nieuwsbrieven en andere aanbiedingen van ons ontvangen. Voor de inhoud daarvan, is het mogelijk dat wij kijken naar je interesses en eerdere boekingen. Ontvang je liever geen nieuwsbrieven en aanbiedingen dan heb je altijd de mogelijkheid om je uit te schrijven via de link onderaan in de nieuwsbrief.
- Acties: indien je hebt deelgenomen aan een actie kunnen wij contact met je opnemen en informeren wij je indien je gewonnen hebt. We gebruiken deze gegevens ook om onze acties te analyseren. Zo worden ze elke keer nóg leuker.
- Review en enquête: je kunt andere reizigers helpen met je review. Door ervaringen te delen, geef je anderen een nóg beter beeld van Adventure Specialists of een specifieke reis. De antwoorden die je geeft in onze enquête worden door ons bekeken om onze dienstverlening verder te verbeteren.
- Advies op maat: als je onze website bezoekt, ons liked op Facebook of een boeking maakt bij ons, onthouden wij wat je leuk vindt. Wij gebruiken je gegevens ook om onze dienstverlening en websites te verbeteren. Voor zover wettelijk vereist vraagt Adventure Specialists je toestemming.
Contact, inzage, wijzigen of verwijderen gegevens en klachten

We zullen je persoonsgegevens bewaren zo lang dat redelijkerwijs nodig is voor de doeleinden zoals beschreven op deze webpagina. Op basis van onder meer wetgeving kan het echter nodig zijn dat wij gegevens langer bewaren.
Op basis van wetgeving moeten wij aangeven welke zogenaamde grondslagen gebruikt worden bij de verwerking van je persoonsgegevens. Daarbij wordt hoofdzakelijk gekeken naar de verwerking van gegevens op basis van 1) een overeenkomst, 2) een gerechtvaardigd belang van Adventure Specialists, 3) een gegeven toestemming en 4) in verband met een wettelijke plicht.
Beveiliging gegevens


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Adventure Specialists onderscheidt verschillende soorten cookies
- Functionele cookies worden gebruikt om het gebruikersgemak te bevorderen zodat je bijvoorbeeld niet steeds opnieuw eenzelfde selectie hoeft te maken of in te loggen als je dat al eerder hebt gedaan.
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- Marketing of targeting cookies worden geplaatst om je interesses te bewaren zodat zowel op als buiten de Adventure Specialists websites aanbiedingen gedaan worden die in het verlengde liggen van je wensen/interesses. Tevens kan Adventure Specialists automatisch aanbiedingen niet meer laten zien als je er al gebruik van hebt gemaakt of als je ze al enkele keren hebt gezien. Zonder deze cookies bestaat de kans dat je vaker irrelevante advertenties van ons te zien krijgt. Graag merken wij op dat je ook zonder cookies advertenties van Adventure Specialists tegen kunt komen.
Welke derde partijen plaatsen Cookies via de websites van Adventure Specialists?
Adventure Specialists werkt samen met derde partijen op het gebied van social media, bezoekers statistieken, advertenties en streaming video die ook cookies plaatsen. Onder meer de volgende bedrijven zijn als zodanig partners van Adventure Specialists: Google (Analytics, Adwords, Youtube), Bing Search Marketing, Tradetracker (Affiliates), Facebook, Instagram, Website Optimizer, Criteo en Hotjar. Voor meer informatie over de wijze waarop deze partijen omgaan met cookies dien je hun privacy voorwaarden te lezen, zoals voor Google Analytics en Visual Website Optimizer (Engels), Facebook,VE en Criteo.
Heb je belang bij het plaatsen van cookies?
Door cookies kunnen wij surfgedrag analyseren en hierdoor aanbiedingen doen die relevant voor je zijn. Je krijgt bijvoorbeeld niet elke keer dezelfde aanbieding te zien, die niet bij je wensen aansluit. We zijn continu bezig onze online service te verbeteren dankzij gegevens die we ontlenen aan trends en gedrag op onze websites.
Kun je cookies verwijderen?
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Data protection declaration Applicant
This information gives you an overview of how we process your personal data when you visit the website of Koning Aap, Shoestring and YourWay2GO use our online application system or send us your application by e-mail or post. We inform you about what data we collect from you and how we use it. In addition, we will inform you about your rights under applicable data protection law and tell you who you can contact if you have any questions.
1. Who is responsible for data processing?
The DER Touristik Group to which you apply for a job or submit an unsolicited application is responsible for processing your personal data when using the online application system or when you send us your application by e-mail or post (hereinafter referred to collectively as the application process). For certain processing of your data in connection with the use of the online application system, the companies of DER Touristik to which you apply for a job - also on your own initiative - are jointly responsible. They have stipulated in agreements which of them fulfills which obligations under data protection law.
2. Whom can you contact if you have questions about data processing?
Questions regarding the processing of your data can be directed to the data protection officer at any time.
You can reach the data protection officer of DER Touristik Group at:
Adventure Specialists B.V.
Entrada 223
1114 AA Amsterdam-Duivendrecht
E-Mail: [email protected]
3. What data do we process from you?
We process your personal data when you contact us in any other way. In detail, this may be the following data:
- Data that you provide to us as part of an application by e-mail or post.
- Data about your applications (title, first name, surname, date of birth, address, e-mail address, telephone number, mobile phone number, previous contacts with a DER Touristik Group company, first name and surname of legal guardian, data on school education, training and studies, data on previous professional career, data on driving license, data on possible impairments, data on area of deployment, cover letter, CV, certificates, portrait photo, insofar as you provide us with the respective information).
- Data we receive when conducting an aptitude or recruitment test for trainees (data on personality and performance).
- Data from career-oriented social networks (e.g. Xing, LinkedIn), insofar as these are generally accessible.
4. Is there an obligation to provide the data?
The provision of your data is not required by law. However, some of the aforementioned data is required in order to be able to set up a candidate profile and submit an application. Insofar as an employment contract is concluded between you and a DER Touristik Group company, the information you enter in your candidate profile will be forwarded to the HR department for the purpose of concluding the employment contract. The communication of other data is voluntary, but may be necessary for the use of certain services. This concerns, for example, data for setting up a job ticker for suitable jobs. We will inform you when entering data if the provision is required for the respective service or function. These data are marked as mandatory fields. In the case of required data, failure to provide it will result in the relevant service or function not being provided. In the case of optional data, failure to provide it may mean that we are unable to provide our services in the same form and to the same extent as usual.
5. For what purposes do we process your data and on what legal basis is this done?
5.1 Implementation of application procedures
You have the option of applying online for an advertised job or submitting a speculative application. The online application system is available to you for this purpose. The transmission of your data and the file attachments sent with it takes place via an encrypted connection. Your data will be received by the Human Resources department and forwarded to the department responsible for the advertised job or to the persons entrusted with handling the application process. The same applies if you send us an application by e-mail or post. All parties involved will treat your application documents with due care and confidentiality. We process the data you send us in connection with an application in order to check your suitability for the job (or, if applicable, other open positions in the DER Touristik Group company to which you are applying for a job or submitting an unsolicited application) and to carry out the application process. The legal basis for the data processing described above is Article 6 (1) letter b of the General Data Protection (decision on the establishment of an employment relationship).
If we conclude an employment contract with you, we will further process your data for purposes of the employment relationship if this is necessary for its implementation or termination. The legal basis for the data processing described above is Article 6 (1) (b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (implementation of the employment relationship).
5.2 Defense of legal claims
We process your data insofar as this is necessary for the defense of asserted legal claims arising from the application process. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 letter f GDPR (balancing of interests, based on the interest of the DER Touristik Group company to which you are applying for a job or submitting an unsolicited application, to be able to defend claims in proceedings.
5.3 Candidate Pool
If your application does not match the job profile you are looking for, but seems suitable for other jobs, you can agree to be included in our candidate pool. If you agree to be included in our candidate pool, we will process your data beyond a specific application process as described in 5.4. This enables recruiters to approach you at a later date with new jobs from DER Touristik Group companies that match your personal qualifications and interests. Consideration in such a new application process will only take place with your consent. You can edit, change or delete the information you have provided at any time. The legal basis for the data processing described is Art. 6 (1) (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (consent).
5.4 Signing of the employment contract by Docusign
If you are accepted, you will receive your employment contract from our HR partner. This can be done using the DocuSign software. For this purpose, your employment contract and the associated documents are uploaded in encrypted form and assigned to your name and e-mail address. You will then receive the documents by e-mail from the DocuSign software. When you open the envelope from your mailbox,w you are identified by your e-mail address and can sign the documents. When all parties have signed, you will receive the completed document including a DocuSign certificate by e-mail.
The legal basis for the described data processing is Art. 6 (1) (b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (contract) and Art. 6 (1) (f) our overriding legitimate interest in an efficient signing process.
6. Who has access to your data and for what reason?
Within the DER Touristik Group company to which you apply for a job or submit a speculative application, only persons who need your data to perform the tasks assigned to them will have access to it. This mainly concerns employees of the human resources department. If you have given your consent to be included in the candidate pool, all companies of DER Touristik Group may access your data in order to contact you if a suitable job is available. In addition, service providers who support us in fulfilling our tasks may have access to your data. These are service providers in the following categories:
- Hosting service providers for the operation of our servers
- Development service providers for programming, development, maintenance and support of software applications, in particular the online application system
- Scanning service providers for the digital capture of paper documents
- IT service provider for supporting and providing our services
- Service providers for carrying out aptitude and recruitment tests
- Service providers for carrying out chat applications
- Personnel service provider to support the selection of applicants
- Service providers for electronic signatures
Service providers used by us must meet special confidentiality requirements. They are only granted access to your data to the extent and for the period of time required to perform their tasks.
7. Are data processed outside the European Union?
We transfer your data to recipients outside the scope of the regulation of the EU-DSGVO and if there is neither an adequacy decision under Article 45(3) nor appropriate safeguards under Article 46, including binding internal data protection rules exist only to the extent that the transfer is necessary:
- for the conclusion or performance of the contract with you or for the performance of pre-contractual measures at your request
- for the performance of a contract concluded in your interest by the controller with another natural or legal person
- for the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims
- to protect vital interests of the data subject or other persons, if the data subject is physically or legally unable to give his or her consent
- you have given us your consent
These data processing operations are permissible exceptions from Art. 49 EU-DSGVO.
Insofar as a data transfer outside the scope of the regulation of the EU-DSGVO is necessary due to our predominantly legitimate interest or you have given us your consent, this is secured, among other things, with EU standard contractual clauses according to Art. 46 para. 2 lit. c EU-DSGVO. If necessary, the EU standard contractual clauses are supplemented by further contractual assurances. You can obtain information on this via the specified contact.
8. How long will the data be stored?
We store your data for as long as is necessary for the decision on your application. Insofar as an employment relationship does not come about, we may continue to store your data beyond this, insofar as this is necessary for the defense against possible legal claims. As a rule, application documents are deleted 4 weeks after notification of the rejection decision, unless longer storage is required due to legal disputes. If for any reason we think it is necessary to keep your application for a longer period, we need to ask you for permission. After your permission, we are aloud to have your application in our possession for a maximum of one year.
If we conclude an employment contract with you, we transfer your data from the application to our personnel information system. Otherwise, we delete your data after these periods or determine the deletion period according to these criteria:
- After your permission we save your application max 1 year
- Data on an application 4 weeks after completion of the application process
- Voice recordings after 4 weeks
9. What rights do you have?
9.1 Information
You can request information about your personal data processed by us.
9.2 Correction
f your information is not (or no longer) accurate, you can request that your data be corrected. If your data is incomplete, you can request that it be completed.
9.3 Deletion
You have the right to request the deletion of your data. Please note that a claim for deletion depends on the existence of a legitimate reason. In addition, there must be no regulations that oblige us to retain your data.
9.4 Restriction of processing
You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your data. Please note that a claim to restriction of processing depends on the existence of a legitimate reason.
9.5 Object
You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of your data which we base on our legitimate interests. In the event of a justified objection, we will no longer process your data.
9.6 Right of appeal
You have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority if you do not agree with the processing of your data. The responsible supervisory authority can be found at Adventure Specialists B.V.
9.7 Data portability
You have the right to receive personal data that you have provided to us in an electronic format.
9.8 Revocation of your consent
You have the right to revoke your consent to the processing of your data, which you have given to us, at any time. This also applies to the revocation of declarations of consent that you gave to us before the applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation, i.e. before 25.05.2018. The easiest way to revoke consent you have given is to send an email to the contact details above. The revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of your data carried out until the revocation.
Data protection information for business contact
The controller processes your data to contact you. This information therefore applies to personal data provided to the controller in the course of its business or other activities by post, telephone, fax, e-mail or online. With this data protection information, we would like to inform you about the scope and purpose of the processing as well as your rights as a data subject.
Persons who transmit personal data of others to us must ensure that the data subjects agree to this and that this data may be transmitted to us as well as be informed about how personal data may be processed by us and what rights data subjects have.
(Status: August 2022).
1. Purposes and legal basis of the processing of personal data
1.1 Establishing contact within the scope of a business relationship
For the initiation or implementation of a business relationship, we will process in particular your contact data (name, address, telephone number and e-mail address), communication data (e.g. correspondence by e-mail), if applicable location data (IP address).
The legal basis for this processing of your personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (your consent) and lit. b GDPR (pre-contractual measures, performance of contract) if we receive the data directly from you or we enter into a direct contractual relationship with you.
If you are not an existing or potential business partner yourself, we have usually received your contact details from our business partner who has named you as a contact person. In this case, the processing of your data is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (balancing of interests, based on our legitimate interest in contacting existing or potential business partners).
The provision of personal data about you for the purpose of contacting you in the context of a business relationship is on a voluntary basis. Insofar as your contact data is absolutely necessary for the initiation and fulfilment of a contract, you and must disclose your contact data, as otherwise the contract with you cannot be concluded.
1.2 Establishing contact within the framework of our public relations work
We also maintain databases with contact details of political, media and press representatives, among others, in order to be able to contact them on relevant issues, events, etc. as part of our public relations work.
The processing of your personal data is based on your consent (Article 6 paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR), which you can give us in personal contact (e.g. by handing over your business card or via online form). For your right to withdraw consent, please see point 5.8.
We also collect contact details from public sources and enter them in our databases. The legal basis for the data processing described is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. (Weighing of interests, based on our legitimate interest in contacting political, media and press representatives, among others, as part of our public relations work).
2. Recipients of personal data
As a general rule, your data collected by us will not be disclosed to unauthorised persons.
However, in some cases we use service providers to process personal data, including for sending emails, chats and video telephony. Your data (contact data, communication data, location data (IP address) is stored in a secure data center and databases.
All service providers have been carefully selected and are subject to data protection agreements with us. The service providers are only given access to your data to the extent and for the period required to provide the services or to the extent that you have consented to the data processing and use.
We also use service providers located in third countries outside the European Union to process your data. Countries outside the European Union handle the protection of personal data differently than countries within the European Union. There is currently no decision by the EU Commission that these third countries generally offer an adequate level of protection. We have therefore taken special measures to ensure that your data is processed in the third countries as securely as within the European Union. With service providers in third countries, we conclude the data protection contract (standard contractual clauses) provided by the Commission of the European Union for the processing of personal data in third countries or implement other permissible guarantees or legally permissible exceptions from Art. 49 GDPR. This provides appropriate safeguards for the protection of your data with service providers in the third country. You can request a copy of these guarantees using the contact details above.
3. Storage period; deletion periods
We store the data processed by you for as long as it is required to achieve the purpose and a legal basis exists. When this ceases to apply, your data will generally be deleted within 1 month. In addition, your data will be stored/not deleted for as long as contractual or statutory retention periods exist for them. These amount to a maximum of 7 years in accordance with the Belgian law.
4 Automated decision-making; profiling
We do not use your personal data for automated decision-making or profiling.
5 Your data subject rights
Insofar as DER processes your personal data, you as the data subject are entitled to the following data subject rights in particular, subject to the requirements of data protection law.
5.1 Information
You can request information about your personal data processed by us (Art. 15 GDPR).
5.2 Correction
If your information is not (or no longer) accurate, you can request that your data be corrected. If your data is incomplete, you can request that it be completed (Art. 16 GDPR).
5.3 Deletion
You have the right to request the deletion of your data. Please note that a right to erasure depends on the existence of a legitimate purpose. In addition, there must be no regulations that oblige us to retain your data (Art. 17 GDPR).
5.4 Restriction of processing
You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your data. Please note that a claim to restriction of processing depends on the existence of a legitimate purpose (Art. 18 GDPR).
5.5 Objection
If data is collected on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR (data processing to protect overriding legitimate interests), you have the right to object to the processing of your data on grounds relating to your particular situation. In the event of an objection, we will no longer process your data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing is for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims (Art. 21 GDPR).
5.6 Right of appeal
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authority if you do not agree with the processing of your data (Art. 77 GDPR).
A current list of the responsible supervisory authorities can be found at https://www.bfdi.bund.de/DE/Infothek/Anschriften_Links/anschriften_links-node.html.
5.7 Data portability
You have the right to receive personal data that you have provided to us in an electronic format (Art. 20 GDPR).
5.8 Revocation of your consent
You have the right to revoke consent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR) to the processing of your data which you have given to us at any time. Your personal data will be deleted on the basis of your consent as soon as the purpose has been fulfilled or until revocation and when prior-rating retention periods have expired.
The easiest way to revoke consent you have given is to send an email to the contact details below. The revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of your data carried out until the revocation.
6. Contact details of the data protection officer
Data protection officer
7. Responsible company
Adventure Specialists B.V.
Koningin Elisabethlaan 45
9000 Gent

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